Understanding Blower Door Tests in Georgia: What Homeowners Need to Know

Jul 22, 2024By Matias Ramis
Matias Ramis

As a homeowner in Georgia, you may have heard about blower door tests. These tests are essential for assessing the energy efficiency of your home. Understanding what they are and how they work can help you make informed decisions about your property.

What is a Blower Door Test?

A blower door test measures the airtightness of your home. It identifies leaks and drafts that could be wasting energy. During the test, a technician uses a powerful fan to create a pressure difference between the inside and outside of your house. This helps to locate areas where air is escaping or entering.

blower door
can make your heating and cooling systems work harder. This increases energy consumption and costs. By identifying and sealing these leaks, you can improve your home's energy efficiency.

Additionally, a well-sealed home can improve indoor air quality. It prevents outdoor pollutants from entering and helps to control humidity levels. This is especially important in Georgia, where humidity can be high.

How is the Test Conducted?

The technician will set up a blower door in an exterior doorway. The fan will pull air out of the house, lowering the air pressure inside. Higher outside air pressure will then flow in through any unsealed cracks and openings. The technician uses smoke pencils or infrared cameras to identify these leaks.

blower test
off all heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Ensure that any open flames, such as pilot lights, are extinguished. This helps to create accurate test conditions.

It's also a good idea to inform the technician of any known problem areas. This can help them focus their efforts and provide more precise recommendations.

Interpreting the Results

After the test, the technician will provide a report detailing the findings. This report will include the air leakage rate, measured in air changes per hour (ACH). Lower ACH values indicate better airtightness. The report will also highlight specific areas where improvements are needed.

blower results

In some cases, you may need professional help to address more complex issues. Hiring a contractor with experience in energy efficiency improvements can ensure the job is done correctly.


Understanding blower door tests and their importance can help you maintain an energy-efficient home. By identifying and sealing leaks, you can reduce energy costs and improve comfort. If you haven't had a blower door test done, consider scheduling one to assess your home's performance.